"Ha ha, you don’t need Tian’s adult to do anything. Tian’s adult needs to wait for news in the mansion, and then you can say so when you meet the Emperor Qidan."

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Chapter 132 Assassination
These days, Tian Yu’s cat has been sitting in the house quietly reading and writing, but in his heart, he is three points nervous and seven points eager [reading the latest chapter], while Ma Xi’s calyx is just the opposite. This period in Beijing can be said to be the most pleasant time in his life. Others are "spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease" and he is "a fire in winter", which makes the whole capital a craze.
Everyone in Beijing except a few people saw Ma Xi calyx. He was either bowing, smiling or fraternizing, and he didn’t care about what others were thinking or calculating whether there was any trap in it. No matter whose mansion he went to, he was surprised that the VIP had tasted this report for the first time in his life.
This little respect certainly makes him full of face, but at present, the Jinshan Yinshan also shines on his eyes.
What’s going on here? Ma Xi-e’s private talk about pulling thorns can partly explain why there is no shortage of money in life, but the vision of finding money.
After pulling and stabbing, Ma Xixi introduced himself to the Khitan nobles and had a close contact with them. There is a saying that communication is the basis of enhancing understanding. I was shocked when I didn’t see it, and I went back and forth with the Khitan nobles for entertainment and party several times. Ma Xixi despised these Khitan nobles from the heart.
What is it? Because in Ma Xixi’s view, these noble masters of Qidan simply haven’t seen the local rich people in the world, such as Jiangxi cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Huaiyang cuisine and so on. None of these people have ever eaten bamboo leaves, rice flowers and other famous wines, and none of them have ever drunk them; Silk, silk and brocade are rarely worn by these people; Jade agate, Baoyu pearl, these people also have no knowledge; Even if you visit the kiln and drink sanhua, there is no tinkling, drumming and dancing, and there is no yiya, Jiangnan female voice.
To put it another way in the 21st century, the biggest problem faced by the aristocratic young masters in Khitan now is that the development of productivity in Khitan is far from meeting the actual needs of the Khitan stratum. These young masters can’t lead dogs and put eagles out to harm the people into the government, and it’s too backward to hunt and roast sheep all day without the servants as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade.
The numerous performances of the nobles in Qidan made Wan Li not far away, and Ma Xixi, the prince of Chu, discovered the problem as soon as he arrived. These nobles did not have money, but did not know how to spend it. It has been 40 or 50 years since the founding of Qidan. Noble bosses have robbed several treasures from the Central Plains or Bohai countries in the past, but he just did not develop a correct concept of elimination. They all preferred to put these treasures in the treasury and were moldy rather than take them out to stimulate demand.
To put it bluntly, the Khitan people have been thinking in a fixed way for many years. They eat beef and mutton and wear sheepskin coats. Once there is a natural disaster, they rob everywhere. In the Khitan people’s minds, they are full of ideas to rob if they are full, hungry, warm, not cold, not eating, not wearing. They have not yet formed a good concept of elimination. They rarely criticize whether this dress is good or not. How many kinds of food tastes?
However, Ma Xixi was regarded as a "grandfather" because he was born in the south and arrived in Qidan. As a result, there was a contrast in his mind immediately. He felt uncomfortable. It was not as uncomfortable to watch the Qidan nobles wear clothes as the ordinary people in Wangcheng County. My noble report is not false, but you are also qidan royalty and dignitaries. You don’t choose to eat or wear Ma Xixi’s calyx. Coincidentally, I don’t know that Ma Yun is from the kitchen, doctor, tailor, dancer, Linger, etc. He has equipped Ma Xijie with a set of servants so that Ma Xijie can take the Qidan nobles to fully appreciate the customs of the south of the Yangtze River. The Qidan flower lords are as bizarre as Granny Liu visiting the Grand View Garden, and they are immersed in it. There is a fashion trend in Qidan. People often hear people talking about "Dude, did you pull the finger today?" "Of course there is a finger-pulling. Did you buy a folding fan?"
It’s easier for him to see that everyone is fascinated by things in the south of the Yangtze River, and he immediately found out the business opportunities. His horse asked Ma Xixi to discuss the two of them hit it off. Compared with the high-priced carriage, the southern silk, jade carving, tea, ceramics, small decorations and so on were sent to Ma Xixi in the Qidan market, and the gifts were immediately replaced by real money by Ma Xixi. It is reasonable to say that the emperor’s gifts should never be sold. This is a taboo thing, but I don’t know if Ma Yun was negligent, neither a imperial edict nor a reward.
Or that the two boats of gadgets are not in Ma Yun’s eyes. He probably rewarded these things to relieve boredom because Ma Xi’s calyx had to take a long boat ride to avoid talking too much. Although there are many of these things, it is really not worth much money in Jiangnan. If the emperor Ma Yun was rewarded with a letter in a big way, he might feel a little humiliated. But no one expected that the Qidan nobles had fallen so quickly. No one expected that the two boats of gadgets had sold unexpectedly at a large price, and Ma Xi ‘calyx could even wake up when he slept.
Of course, an old playboy, Ma Xixi, still has a good professional ethics. Although he has fallen with a group of people, the more he falls, the happier he is. It’s not just after noon that Ma Xixi dragged two novelty things into his arms and went out in a carriage, ready to continue to look for people to study and study.
Although the Khitan people have a trend of sinicization in the past two years, some people in the government have carried big cars, but Ma Xi Calyx just likes to make carriage cars. There are many people in Khitan, but there are not many such big and dazzling carriages in the whole capital. From the comfort point of view, it is more comfortable than the Khitan emperor Yelujing.
He went out of the mansion, bypassed the alley and headed for Xicheng. Just halfway there, he heard someone shouting, "This is the Chu thief carriage, and there will be a big reward for killing the Chu thief." Then there was a "banging" fight. Ma Xijie was startled in the carriage. How could there be an assassin!
Chapter 133 The history of assassins
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Chapter 133 The history of assassins
"Adult adult event is bad?" The housekeeper ran into Tian Yu’s room in a panic, holding a pen and writing. Tian Yu’s heart pounded and his pen-holder trembled slightly. Then his eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and then he gradually relaxed his mood and calmed down. His first reaction was that the catcher’s room assassinated Liu Chong’s emissary. Did something go wrong and let the Qidan people chase him to the door now? But he also knew that since the catcher’s room wanted to assassinate Liu Chong’s emissary, the person sent there must be a dead man. Even if it failed, it was impossible to come to his house, and it should have nothing to do with Hedong’s emissary.
Tian Yushen asked, "What is it?"
"Wang Ye, Wang Ye was assassinated!" The housekeeper said.
"What? !” Tian "wow" got up and took a few steps around the table to take the housekeeper’s door and stared and asked, "What did you say? Say it again! "
"Wang Ye, Wang Ye was assassinated!"
Tian Yunao "om"-"What’s the situation now? Who did it! "
"I heard that the report was hiding in the carriage, and the assassin couldn’t fight outside. No matter whether it was shooting arrows or chopping axes, there was no way to get the carriage. The report should have nothing to do with hurting the accompanying guards." The housekeeper was shaking and said that it seemed that the assassination also frightened the housekeeper. "Later, when the Khitans came, they saved the report. It was said that the assassins were all Khitans."
"Your majesty, where is he now?" Tian asked
"The great report has gone to the Khitan punishments now. It is estimated that it is necessary to find out the origin of the assassin."
"Let’s get the car ready and go to the punishments." Tian decided that although he had made an appointment with the Windcatcher to sit in the house and wait for news, it was impossible for Tian to sit in the house. No matter how he said it, he couldn’t write two words "horse". Although Ma Xi calyx was not very popular, it was in Chu. When he went abroad, he represented the Great Chu Dynasty. If something happened to him, Jinling would never let it go.
At that time, Tian Yu’s brain was a little confused. He subconsciously felt that this thing was not right. To tell the truth, Tian Yuji had not considered the problem of Ma Xi’s calyx’s safety since Ma Xi’s arrival in Beijing. Because the reason is here, it is impossible for Yelujing not to be crazy and the Qidan etiquette not to be mentally retarded. Even if Qidan wants to turn against Chu, hundreds of soldiers will take Ma Xi’s calyx and hide it to assassinate it.
It can’t have been inspired by Yelujing. Could it have been Gao Mohan? Gao Mohan obviously doesn’t support Nan, but no matter what era and who is in power, there will always be political disagreements in this court. To put it mildly, there will always be gangs. To put it bluntly, there will be struggles in some places. This court is no exception. Region, origin, political views, interests and so on are all potential factors that make up the circle. Gao Mohan’s opposition to Nan doesn’t mean that he doesn’t know the interests. He can’t take the big risks to do such a stupid thing
Could it be Yelutalie? This is also unlikely. Mahi Calyx and Yelu Tart are generally very good with each other. Now these two people want to do business with Mahi Cal because they are "inseparable from Meng and Meng". There may be Yelu Tart’s fierce meaning, and they will not engage in assassination.
Then who could have done it?
Tian’s face is a little ugly, and the answer options immediately become clear, excluding the factors of the Khitan people. Now the biggest possibility is that there are two fake weeks and big Chu.
The reason why Pseudo-Zhou assassinated Ma Xijie is that it is very vivid. What would the Khitans do if people like Ma Xijie died in Beijing?
In fact, it’s not a big thing, but it’s very bad in nature and it’s unlikely to compromise. There’s nothing to prevaricate about if the Khitans want to prevaricate about it, that is, to offend Chu’s grand prince and die in Beijing. Will the Khitans casually introduce two people to take the fall for Chu? Although Ma Xi calyx is not a big deal, his identity is sensitive, which means that Chu’s face wants to be mixed with mud, which will make Chu even more dissatisfied
Next, we’ll have to pursue it to the end, but if it’s a fake week, will it be stupid enough to admit it? It is absolutely impossible. On the contrary, Pseudo-Zhou will definitely push this matter to some important official in Qidan, and if there is any clue, if there is no real evidence, if it is not grasped, it seems that this matter is really the work of this "important official". If the assassins are all dead, they will die completely. It seems that there are many clues, but how can we pursue it if we are dead? Pushing the scapegoat level is high, and the Khitans themselves are reluctant to lower the level. To put it bluntly, the assassination is equivalent to a thorn in Chu and Khitan. The worst is the worst. Since then, Chu and Khitan have also been strange bedfellows.
But it’s not quite like Tian’s saying that it’s a pseudo-Qian Zhou. Remember today, the pseudo-Zhou messenger just came to Beijing to prepare for the audience. Will the pseudo-Zhou assassin choose to do such a big thing at such a time? This is a bit of a trap.
If you think about it this way, there is a great possibility for Chu himself. Is it possible for Chu to kill his sovereign? There is harmony in the eyes of people outside the royal family, but the high-level department of Chu does not see it that way. How did Ma Yun come to Taiwan? Unlike Li Shimin, Ma Yun did not acquiesce in the "Xuanwu Gate Rebellion". He put the cause of the coup, Exhibition completely changed the story, but the "Changsha Incident" didn’t last long after all, and Ma Yun tried his best to suppress the royal family, especially his uncles, so that they were completely sidelined in politics. This fact is also a kind of guilty performance, and the emperor is bound to do so. Officials may also help the emperor to do something all day. If Ma Xixi is assassinated in China, there may be some rumors, but if he dies in Qidan country, there will be nothing with Ma Yun.
What’s more, if Chu did it, it can be pushed to the pseudo-whole body, which also gives the Qidan people a step, but once the Qidan people slope the donkey, they will be completely tied to the Chu chariot with the pseudo-Zhou. If this thing is done well, it will be very beneficial to Chu.
But now there is a new situation. Ma Xi calyx is not dead! In this way, Qidan and Chu did not go to the opposite side. Tian Yu needed to ask the Qidan people to catch the murderer, but had to ask the Qidan people to give Chu a reasonable explanation, and the two countries had a detente.
Tian is thinking about how to get the greatest benefit from the Qidan people, and it is best for the Qidan to drive out the false Zhou emissary.
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Chapter 134 Splash dirty water
Chapter 134 Splash dirty water
"The adult sedan chair is ready," the housekeeper said to Tian in meditation.
"Go well" Tian quickly walked out of the mansion door and sat in a big sedan chair for four people. He looked out the window at the street and went to find punishments. This punishments is still Gao Mohan. He sent someone to investigate the case quickly, but he couldn’t get any benefits from his mouth. After all, this person’s high position is not enough to affect the political situation.
And now Gao Mohan is meeting with the pseudo-Zhou emissary at this time. Even if it is such a big event, punishments can still urge the investigation to be impossible. Even if the case is solved smoothly, he will pressure the situation to give the Qidan court a discussion. In other words, even if the case is simple, the final explanation belongs to the court. There is absolutely no place for him to talk, and even if he goes to the door himself, it will not affect anything.
Affect the political situation? Tian eyes a bright looked at the day outside the window "color" urgent said "quick don’t go to punishments let’s go to the palace to meet the holy" this time Yelujing should be just get up to ask for an audience, is certainly available.
When Tian arrived at the palace, Yelujing really just got up and heard that Tian asked for an audience, he immediately asked him to give advice.
"I see you!" Tian hurried into the temple to visit Yelujing.
Tian Yu God’s "color" is nervous, so you can know what happened at first glance, but Yelujing is heartless and walked over and asked, "Tian Aiqing, I just want to announce you to the palace. I didn’t expect you to come by yourself. As the saying goes in the Han family, this is called" Speak Cao Cao "and Cao Cao Cao Cao will arrive" Hehe "
As far as the emperor’s career is concerned, Yelujing has no professional ethics. This guy likes to drink and chat besides firmly grasping politics, and has trained a group of drinkers. The only commendable thing is that this person should be able to tell clearly that he doesn’t drink much to judge the minister’s ability to handle affairs.
After hearing what Yelujing said, Tian felt relieved at once. No one had reported to Yelujing about the assassination of Mahi Calyx. Tian was afraid that someone had used the excuse to exert any adverse influence on Chu. Although Mahi Calyx was unscathed and the assassination was bad, it was easy for Qidan to explain to Chu, but if someone helped this matter, it might cast a shadow over the two countries. This is Tian Yu’s theory, and we can’t just ignore it.
Tian Yu said, "Please be my master!"
Yelujing one leng difference to see the eye Tian Tian Tian is not a Khitan, but he is not a bully in Beijing. Yelujing asked strangely, "What happened to Ai Qing? Don’t hurry and say slowly that if you are in charge, I will make the decision for you! "
"Please tell me that King Xiang Yin of Chu has just been assassinated in Beijing!" Tian Yu said urgently
"What? !” Yelujing fiercely. Even if he is confused, he knows that this matter is absolutely unbearable. Regardless of the position of Ma Xi Calyx in Chu, he simply said that Ma Xi Calyx sent his own official to meet him all the way. This is his guest. Someone killed his guest in his own territory. Well, this assassination is simply a provocation to the Khitan Emperor.
"What happened after all? Is King Xiangyin like this now?" Yelujing asked