
On the afternoon of the same day, Xiang found a meeting place in committee of 100 and contacted the presidents of major guilds and asked Argo to spread the news of the meeting.
The meeting was held in the public area of the church, and by five o’clock in the afternoon, the church was full of people.
Although the meeting was initiated by Xianglian, it was nominally a blood alliance, and the person in charge was Asina. He was not on the church platform, but stood silently on one side.
There were 16 people attending the meeting, and the Knights were led by Tilberu. Three people can be included in the crusade team. See the number of complete raiders group. The Shenglong United Association was led by its president, Jonathan. Two people can be included in the crusade team.
Except for the five members of the two major guilds, the rest are guild members of all sizes, including a few individual players.
The surprising response to this meeting shows how this incident has affected the player group in Ian Grant.
Before the meeting began, Xiang and Yasina had an agreement that they would raise their hands after the meeting to deal with the group of famous players.
If there are a large number of people who agree to send red players to prison, then the head of the blood alliance crusade team is Asina
If the number of players who agree to kill the red name is relatively large, then the person in charge is Xiang.
Asina heads up or sits down, or hundreds of people slowly close their eyes for a moment and then suddenly open and calm down. "There was only this meeting in response to this bad incident. I am Asina, deputy head of the Blood League. Before the real meeting begins, you need to raise your hand to make a decision."
The words sound just fell and the crowd suddenly burst into uproar.
"A real meeting?" The joint president of Shenglong, Jonathan, sat in the front position with his arms in his arms. His big nose twitched slightly and looked at Asina lightly. "Just because I am sitting here, deputy head of Asina, doesn’t mean that I agree that the crusade team is made by the blood alliance. It’s better not to put on the table."
Asina calmed him down and said "of course"
Tilberu asked with interest, "What’s the vote?"
"I’ll talk about the voting."
Xiang suddenly inserted into the dialogue and took a step forward. Everyone’s eyes suddenly fell on him. Asina also looked at him but was silent.
Xiang looked indifferent and looked around. The players present vaguely saw many familiar faces.
"Please raise your hand if you agree to kill the red player!"
Cold words swept through the church in a flash, and the word obliterate broke into everyone’s hearts, and the midfield was silent.
It’s as simple as letting everyone vote without foreword.
After a short silence, someone finally raised his hand slowly and said bitterly, "Let the famous players disappear, so as not to add more victims."
Seeing someone raise their hands, some wavering people raised their hands and were relatively calm, the player asked, "If the majority of people don’t raise their hands, will the meeting be cancelled?"
Xiang glanced at the player who spoke and said faintly, "No."
Then there was a long silence, and from time to time someone raised his hand silently.
When Xiang saw it, he said, "You still have a minute to decide."
Sitting in the front row, Tilberu and Jonathan did not raise their hands directly, and their glances were full of doubts.
"What the hell are those two people thinking …" Jonathan frowned at Asina and Xiang.
Tilberu chuckled, "On the whole, make a choice according to your own ideas. Erase it …"
In the end, his tone was a little cold. Seeing that he firmly raised his hand and came to attend the meeting with him, Wang Yahe and Lin Yan also immediately raised their hands.
Jonathan paused and raised his hand.
"If you raise your hand when voting, please don’t put your hand down for the time being"
Roughly glanced at the number of hands raised, Xiang smiled at the corners of his mouth, and he turned to look towards Asina, only to find that Asina was looking at his beautiful eyes and lost.
Xiang didn’t waver at all because of this. "The voting result is clear at a glance."
Those who raised their hands accounted for the majority and those who did not raised their hands accounted for one fifth.
Yasina gently nodded and sighed, "It’s all yours." Then everyone was surprised to watch the platform go quietly in Xiang’s position just now.
Xiang she passed the podium and said to many players, "Let go of your hands."
They let go and waited for an explanation.
Xiang put his hands on the platform and said, "I am a member of the Raiders Group of the Blood League. Xiang is also the head of the Blood League at this meeting. Before the meeting, I had different views with Yasina. I think the crusade must obliterate the main purpose, while Yasina believes that it is enough to send the famous players to prison. Therefore, before the meeting, you will be asked to raise your hand to decide who is the head of the Blood League. Please quit the crusade before the meeting."
There was a moment of silence in the church, and then no one raised their hands. Suddenly someone shouted, "What do you mean?"
Xiang didn’t explain indifference, and repeated, "Please quit this crusade if you don’t raise your hand."
"Are you kidding? ! Let us go just because we don’t agree with you? Uncle won’t leave without a reasonable explanation. "
Xiang suddenly clapped his hands on the podium to make the church sound suddenly disappear. Then he said slowly, "I think I have explained it clearly. Please don’t raise your hand to quit this crusade."
The cold tone and tough stance made everyone get to know the blood alliance shield again. This time, those who didn’t raise their hands didn’t make any noise. They stared at Xiang and got up and left honestly.
After watching those people leave, Xiang suddenly looked to one side and Asina said faintly, "What about you?"
Asina gave him a deep look and said calmly, "I quit."
Xiang nodded, "Please leave."
Asina looked calm and walked to the gate without dragging her feet. She really didn’t understand why she had to do this.
Sitting in the middle position, Kuradeel suddenly smiled coldly when he saw this scene. Most people cast their eyes on Asina and Xiang slightly differently.
Many people know that Asina and Xiang are very close. I didn’t expect that there were differences of opinion in this crusade. Some people still maliciously thought that it would be best if they broke up.
There are 81 players left in the church after the players who are still naive are turned away, which does not include the raiders of the two major guilds.
There is no definite information about the number of players in the Red Name Guild. The more players you take part in the action, the better. This idea will come into being after seeing the number of players on the scene.
But Xiang didn’t think so. He said, "Please quit the meeting if the level is lower than 4."
Tilberu and Jonathan nodded silently with their eyes closed slightly, but the players who came to help out of righteous acts quit. When these players just wanted to protest, Xiang didn’t give them this chance. "The strength of the smiling coffin is as good as that of the Raiders Group."