"Master, we have great hatred for that man. Leave his life to me!" Perhaps I saw Zhang Xiaotian’s expression or guessed that Zhang Xiaotian always moved to Zhang Xiaotian’s voice way

"hmm!" Zhang Xiao auditions back to a no longer tube that ghost repair to continue to ghost repair group kill in front of me.
Hear just that ghost fix a cry seems to be all the ghost fix to react just now will escape to ghost fix also stopped running footsteps moment several mental attack wave to Zhang Xiaotian three people, but Zhang Xiaotian three people just ignore instead continue to fight!
See several mental attack waves to Zhang Xiaotian three people pounce on the Lee family’s five leaders but can’t help secretly impatient. Just now, when he saw Zhang Xiaotian’s three-person posture, he was startled, and immediately stopped his feet, feet and face. Don’t say that it’s the group of ghosts, but he has no way to deal with this posture. Seeing Zhang Xiaotian’s three people and forty-two roads, the shadow is virtual, but the knife is true. The five elders are even more frightened. This posture is really abnormal, but they can kill others. How can it be played? Looking at Zhang Xiaotian that knife knife row in the group of ghost repair neck firing the five elders in the mind is churning unceasingly if the knife row in his neck that he can stop? Five elders could not help but think.
For Zhang Xiaotian three hands to long dao, but he didn’t care but just cut his neck and there is not much power! Even the most powerful magic weapon in the lowest rank is better than the most common magic weapon in the initial rank. It’s not the key to cut the land, so you can’t hurt yourself. But Zhang Xiaotian, they are aiming at it, but let the five elders be afraid.
But soon he thought of the way to deal with Zhang Xiaotian and them, that is, group mental attack! The trick of dealing with some powerful ghosts in the ghost world has been tried and tested time and again.
However, I obviously didn’t think of this when I saw the reaction of the group of ghosts. The Five Elders also planned to clean up the mess later, but now the group of ghosts actually reacted. Or the five elders of ghosts glared at the shouting ghosts and flew to Zhang Xiaotian. If Zhang Xiaotian and the three of them died, their things would inevitably fall into the hands of the group of ghosts. Then it would be difficult for them to get something from the group of ghosts. Besides, with so many ghosts, he knew who got it and who didn’t get it. Who should I rob?
In the future, they are eager for Zhang Xiaotian to dodge and flash or block, which somehow can also hide some mental attacks, but what makes him angry is that Zhang Xiaotian three people do not dodge or resist the slaughter of three people by themselves. Although this reaction makes the five elders somewhat indecisive, they don’t think much about arriving as soon as possible.
Kill and shout! Cry! Grab! Curse! Yan Dangshan is completely messed up!
Several mental attacks quickly attacked Zhang Xiaotian three people, but they were thrown by Zhang Xiaotian three people against the seven-star wandering step and the two-meter step. The mental attack degree was almost conscious soon, but the seven-star wandering step and the two-meter step were not slow, which was also conscious.
Whenever the mental attack is about to attack the three-person entity, the three people will immediately switch to another figure, and the mental attack will follow quickly, but the wave will be slower and the power will be weaker every time after a phantom mental attack.
Fourteen figures have been transformed again, and even mental attacks have stayed in the original figures. When the three people are transformed again, they will sink into the three people’s bodies. However, after several figure transformations, these mental attack waves have long been unknown, and their mental protective clothing is easily blocked.
Seeing that three people were immersed in the wave of mental attacks, and three people reacted not only to besiege the ghosts, but also to the five elders. So many mental attacks did the three of them react? Don’t the three of them have strong mental protective clothing? But … But the secular roots have never seen such a powerful mental protective clothing!
Is it ….. Five elders mind flashes suddenly is the posture of reason?
Just now, he also noticed that whenever the mental attack wave moves from one figure to another, it will be a meal, and when it is chased again, it will be slower.
Is it that posture that weakens the mental attack? The idea surprised the five elders.
The intensity and frequency of mental attack waves are powerful, and the higher the frequency, the faster it will be. The mental energy of those mental attack waves just now has not changed, but the intensity has changed! Then the frequency must have dropped! Power must be weak, too. Five elders are surprised to think that it is really rare to reduce the power of mental attacks. Although the Li family also has the power to reduce the power of mental attacks, the power is much worse than that of Zhang Xiaotian! Mental energy is very mysterious, and mental attacks are also mysterious. It is extremely difficult to study the posture that weakens the power of mental attacks. Even the posture of the Li family is only weakened a little, and it is still very difficult to practice. Many brothers of the Li family are unwilling to learn. It took the Li family a hundred years to study it.
Most spiritual practitioners in the secular world don’t know the frequency of mental attacks, and they don’t know what the slow and fast mental attacks represent! Knowing that mental attacks in the same realm are faster than slower is also a reason with good qualifications.
Perhaps the root of the magic weapon for controlling mental waves is not there, but this posture weakens the mental attack that was attacked. But don’t be a ghost, but I don’t know that the four families all recognize it as the reason for the magic weapon for controlling mental waves and that the magic weapon for controlling mental waves with such high frequency is like the root in hell. I haven’t heard that there is such a high frequency for controlling mental waves! The more I think about the Five Elders, the more I am sure of my thoughts. When I thought of this, the Five Elders couldn’t help but smile bitterly. The four families are extremely jealous. It belongs to their four families and has also formulated a list of restrictions. The so-called spirit wave control magic weapon root is not there. Everything is a joke!
However, this kind of martial arts that can weaken the power of mental attack wave is really good, although it is not as precious as the magic weapon that is not in the control of mental wave, but it is still very powerful. But in this way, we have to cancel the original plan. If these three ghosts are killed according to the original plan, then this kind of martial arts can not be obtained. He doesn’t know if Heaven and Earth will help other gangs with this posture!
Think of Zhang Xiaotian three wushu weird and severe, the five elders can’t help but hesitate some melee combat is very severe mental attack and can’t hurt them! It’s really a headache to want to capture alive! At this time, the five elders have completely lost their original confidence. I’m afraid it can only be done if there is a ghost in the future! Five elders think
"Why? The five elders are not going to come over? " See the slow pace gradually came to the lee family to five elders Zhang Xiaotian said with a sneer.
"Hissing-"suddenly woke up. The five elders of the Lee family couldn’t help but take a breath of air conditioning. Although he was meditating, his steps didn’t stop. Now he has arrived in Zhang Xiaotian, not far away. At this time, three people around Zhang Xiaotian have poured down several ghost repair bodies and talked about a few ghost repairs, and all of them have fled far away. The three people in Zhang Xiaotian have stopped the pace of killing. The arrogant group attacked heaven and earth to help ghost repairs, and they were also killed by the old days. Together with a group of ghost repairs behind him, they didn’t let go.
Seeing a corpse on the ground, the five elders couldn’t help but feel a chill. There are also dozens of ghost-shaped bodies, including two ghost-shaped peak ghost-shaped bodies!
Hear kids laughing at five elders face some gloomy and said, "now that you know our identity, then you should know that I am the Li family! A year ago, your brother hijacked our Li family. Should you tell our Li family something? " If he hadn’t seen Zhang Xiaotian’s three skills, he would never have said so.
"Oh?" Zhang Xiaotian eyes half squinting at the five elders.
Suddenly Zhang Xiaotian face a gloomy to mercilessly say "hum! In those days, my brother wouldn’t have hijacked your family’s big lady if it weren’t for your Li family’s ghost repair to deal with our two brothers! Over the past year or so, your Li family has hunted us down and imprisoned my parents. I haven’t settled accounts with you yet, and you want to talk to my brother now! Hum! You Li Nuo big family unexpectedly two mortals to threaten our heaven and earth to help! It’ s so big! " Just now, Zhang Xiaotian tried that the black long knife was scratched on the ghost to cultivate one’s morality, so it can really make the ghost repair cause mental confusion. Just now, those two ghost repair Zhang Xiaotian didn’t hit the key with the first knife, but they couldn’t move after the mental energy confusion. Zhang Xiaotian easily killed them with the second knife. Just now, when his black long knife was scratched on these ghosts to cultivate one’s morality, he also felt that the sharpness of this black long knife was not worse than that of his former medium-order long knife. Although it didn’t have the unique power of magic weapon, it was hard and sharp enough.
With these, Zhang Xiaotian has the confidence to face those ghosts who will repair their bodies. If he comes into contact with them or if they come into contact with him, he will be sure to ban them. Although he doesn’t know the hardness of the black substance, he doesn’t know whether he can completely ban the ghost from repairing his body, but if he wants to give him a long knife to hit the other person’s body, he will be sure to kill them.
With the strength, you have the confidence. With the confidence, Zhang Xiaotian will no longer be polite when he speaks. The world is strong. The more polite you are, the more others will treat you as weak! And Zhang Xiaotian felt that it was too natural for the five elders to say that they had hunted down Heaven and Earth to help imprison their parents for more than a year. For nearly a year, they wanted Heaven and Earth to help them apologize and make a generous gesture. It was really unbearable for Zhang Xiaotian and he couldn’t do it. If he really did that, wouldn’t it be like a turtle and grandson? When someone hits you, you are still smiling to please? Hum!
At this time, all the ghosts have also shown that it is not normal here! Hundreds of ghosts died, more than one-tenth of them, and it was difficult for them to pay attention. The attention scene was gradually quiet! The death of hundreds of ghosts may not be shocking, but the death of dozens of ghosts, especially those two ghosts at their peak, shocked them.
Because the magic weapon in the secular world is too weak, the ghost cultivation body is too strong, and it is difficult to be killed by the magic weapon unless it is killed by the group spirit attack!
But now it’s not only dead, but also so many.
It turns out that they still have some doubts about the massacre in Tianma Crematorium, but the fact has not appeared in front of them. They have doubts about the massacre of the three of them in Zhang Xiaotian just now, and there are many other ghosts who saw it in a short time. All these ghosts know that these ghosts are helping the three ghosts to kill! Two ghosts at the beginning and one ghost at the middle! It’s really unimaginable. It’s really shocking!
The magic weapon thrown by Zhang Xiaotian was also grabbed by a ghost-shaped old ghost the day after tomorrow. At this time, he was surrounded by a group of ghosts, but he didn’t make moves. The silent scene shocked them all. Looking at Zhang Xiaotian, the black old ghost didn’t dare to escape again. Unless he threw out the middle-ranking long knife in his hand, he was sure to ask him to move. All the spiritual attacks around him would attack him.
Hear Zhang Xiaotian so fierce words this group of ghost repair even more shocked, they just also know that the strength of heaven and earth to help is really unusual in the secular ghost repair world can also be ranked as the absolute family strength! But across the street … That’s the Li family. What the five elders of the Li family said just now is also obviously relieved. Obviously, they want to alleviate the two forces to help heaven and earth to apologize and satisfy the Li family. Then heaven and earth will help the suspect to become a secular ghost family. Although it is not comparable to the four families, it will definitely not be haunted again! However, Zhang Xiaotian just said that this group of ghosts and ghosts have pushed the heaven and earth to help the blind alley. They don’t know the strength of the four families, but they know that all those who have offended the four families are instantly destroyed. Those who occasionally escape ghosts and ghosts have to be hunted down by the four families forever! In their view, heaven and earth helped to offend four families at a time, and two families were able to escape for more than a year. It was a great accident, but I didn’t know that the four families had their own constraints earlier, but now the Lee family gave them a chance to reconcile, and they didn’t accept it!
But after hearing Zhang Xiaotian’s words, they all despise looking at the five elders of the Lee family and a group of Lee family ghosts behind them. It’s really not too bright for two mortals to threaten the Lee family. Can have the opportunity to despise one or four families, a group of ghost repair is still very happy.
Hearing Zhang Xiaotian’s malicious words and seeing all the ghosts around him despise their eyes, the five elders couldn’t help but feel ashamed and humiliated, which made them always high above him! He was going to take this opportunity to ask Heaven and Earth for that kind of weird posture. Zhang Xiaotian’s three martial arts are really out of his imagination, but he is definitely not an opponent. If he is strong, the Lee family will definitely have a lot of losses unless he lets the Lee family go to the elders, and if he lets one go, it may bring trouble to the Lee family and it is still a big trouble! But Zhang Xiaotian dialect made him unable to swallow this tone! Looking for trouble with the Lee family? So many ghosts are watching. If he just lets it go, where can their Li family face go?
"Kid! It’s not easy for you to practice this! It must have been a lot of hard work to practice this posture! But if you want to die, our Li family won’t mind playing along! " Five elders said slowly with a sullen face, although he was very angry, he still had some self-knowledge that Zhang Xiaotian and the three of them were not rivals when they came to these ghost repair roots this time!
It seems that it is necessary to invite the family elders to make moves.
There are some troubles. The previous four families said that it was impossible to deal with the Heaven and Earth Sect, but it was also the Heaven and Earth Sect that didn’t have the ghost period. It seems that the Heaven and Earth Sect not only has the ghost period, but also the ghost period. Now it seems that the ghost period is not even an opponent. If this contract is not changed, I am afraid it will never be able to deal with the five elders. The reason for this visit is also this. The Heaven and Earth Sect appeared in the ghost period, and the ghost repair contract must be changed. It is also because of the death of his grandson and great-grandson that he is quite angry.
Although he has many great-grandchildren, they are all his cronies.
Besides, it turns out that the Heaven and Earth Sect has a powerful magic weapon to control spiritual waves, and the four big families restrict it like that. Now it seems that the Heaven and Earth Sect has no magic weapon to control spiritual waves, but has a set of strange posture. If it wants to lift the restriction aboveboard, it will take some effort to explain that the Heaven and Earth Sect can’t cope with ghost repair, so please invite the family ghost to make moves, otherwise he wouldn’t have let go before.
Hearing this sentence from the Five Elders, all the ghosts couldn’t help laughing. The Five Elders suspected that they were helping the death penalty in heaven and earth just now, and they all knew that such a promising force was so easily lost by Zhang Xiaotian’s "emotional language", and they couldn’t help but feel a little pity.
Let’s go!’ Say that finish the lee family to five elders mercilessly throw this sentence turned to go!
"Wait!" Zhang Xiaotian’s figure flashed in front of the five elders. If the five elders of the Li family left like this after throwing malicious words, then this time Liwei did not have some failures.
The five elders felt a twinge in their hearts, only to realize that they were in a situation. Because of the restriction of four families, in this ghost repair, except that he was at the peak of ghost repair, more than 20 others were ghost-shaped mid-term land repair! Just seen Zhang Xiaotian three strange posture, he didn’t recognize himself this more than one hundred ghost order is Zhang Xiaotian three rivals.
Hearing Zhang Xiaotian’s ghost repair around this move, I couldn’t help but open my mouth and be surprised. Is this going to be right with the Lee family? Suddenly, a ghost repair reacted as if he had offended the Li family, and several ghost repairs recognized that the Heaven and Earth Sect wanted to overthrow the Li family and monopolize it. You know, this place is the Li family’s territory!
"What do you want to do?" The five elders asked in a tight way, but he regretted it after asking. The tone of this question is too embarrassing!
"Hum! You want to leave now? Do you Li family have to pay some interest for everything we do for heaven and earth? " Zhang Xiaotian cold hum a lightly said.
"Kid, you don’t want your posture to be good, you can show off in front of our Lee family! No matter how good your martial arts are, can you handle the ghost? " Recovered five elders smile and said
I heard the five elders say, "Wow!" All the ghost practices are shocked! I didn’t expect the Lee family to have a ghost in the future. Since the Lee family has a ghost in the future, the other three families also have a ghost in the future. No wonder so many family forces that have offended the four families were instantly destroyed in front of the ghost in the future. Those family forces are really not enough to see what all the ghosts are white at this time. Some feel that their strength is good, and some family forces that are eager to move can’t help but stop. Their ghost-shaped ghost repair strength may be good, but the ghost-shaped ghost repair in front of the ghost in the future will simply strike back.
Most of them know that the passage between hell and the secular world is restricted, and ghosts can’t go from hell to the secular world, and they don’t know where the hell is. In their eyes, ghosts will go to the secular world, and that is the enemy.
Hearing the discussion about ghost repair around the Five Elders, they are disdainful. Except for those big family forces, they don’t know that the four families have ghost repairs, but they don’t need to know.
"oh? What if the ghost will fix the ghost? We don’t care! " Zhang Xiaotian caught a glimpse of the five elders light said.
"What?" Five elders one leng.
You don’t care if the ghosts around you are all stunned? You don’t even care about ghosts? Don’t heaven and earth help also have a ghost to mend? This ….. How is this possible? If the Heaven-Earth Sect is so strong, why are so many ghost-repairing forces after it?
"Put all your magic weapons and you can go!" Regardless of the five elders leng Zhang Xiaotian is light said after he also plans to give Yang Xiao to the lee family relatives can not hurt them or not.
"Hum! Kid! You, you three can handle us? " Hear Zhang Xiaotian say so five elders can’t help but say with a cold hum, but how to listen to some humbled.
"Can you handle you? You can try! I said yes or no to the conditions! But what I want to say is that we will not be merciful when we do it later! I’m telling you, we’re doing this for your big lady, not for your Li family! Don’t challenge me to the limit again and again! " Zhang Xiaotian’s faint words show a little threat.
"ha! Ok! Ok! Ok! I’ll just see how you don’t give it to me! " No one has ever talked to him in such a tone for many years. Even the heads of the Li family are very polite to him. At present, this kid’s words have made his heart angry and his safety is no longer concerned.
Hearing the Five Elders talk like this, a group of ghosts behind him turned pale. Just now, they have seen Zhang Xiaotian’s three skills. Although they are all five elders, this elite is very confident in their own strength, but they dare not say that they can beat Zhang Xiaotian’s three people without mercy. This reminds them of the hundreds of ghost bodies that are still lying on the ground.
"The ghost of Nangong family is here!"
"Mu family ghosts are here!"
Suddenly ghost repair group outside ghost repair shouted
I don’t know how to hear the arrival of ghosts from two big families. The five elders of the Li family couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. To tell the truth, he regretted it just now.
He knows that there is no chance of winning the strange posture of Zhang Xiaotian’s three people. If he escapes, he can really escape from the ghost-shaped peak, but it is only himself. Just now he has seen that Zhang Xiaotian’s three-person degree is not worse than the ghost-shaped peak. If he really escapes, he will not only lose the lives of the Lee family, but he has no choice. One of the four ghost-repairing families in the secular world is a palm. If he leaves his magic weapon here, I’m afraid the Lee family will lose it. Lost even more. He almost wanted to communicate with the Shilian family just now. Although it may come from time to time, it always makes him feel at ease. Now he can’t help but feel a glimmer of hope when he hears that the ghosts of the two families are coming.
Zhang Xiaotian’s face has not changed since the arrival of the two families. As early as when the two families entered the five-mile range of Fiona Fang, Yang Xiaodi told him that there was no ghost-to-ghost-to-ghost-to-ghost-to-ghost-to-ghost-to-ghost-to-ghost-to-ghost-to-ghost-to-ghost-ghost-to-ghost-to-ghost-ghost-to-ghost-ghost-to-ghost-ghost-to
The ghosts of Zhang Xiaotian and the Li family have been surrounded by a thick layer of ghosts. At this time, the ghosts have given way to the ghosts of the two families